Englisch in der Patientenkommunikation
At the doctor´s: A first appointment by phone Peter Hopkins is from England, he has recently moved from London to Berlin. Now he’s looking for a general practitioner and calls to make an appointment. The medical assistant, Karin, answers the phone.
Karin: Praxis Dr. Schröder, Karin am Apparat. Was kann ich für Sie tun?
Peter: Hello, this is Peter Hopkins speaking. Excuse me, do you speak English?
Karin: Yes, a little bit. How can I help you?
Peter: I would like to make an appointment for a general check-up.
Karin: Is this your first time in our practice?
Peter: Yes it is.
Karin: Could you please repeat your name?
Peter: My name is Hopkins, Peter Hopkins.
Karin: Could you please spell your family name to me?
Peter: Yes, that’s H like Hotel, O like Oscar, P like Papa, K like Kilo, I like India, N like November and S like Sierra.
Karin: Thank you, Mr. Hopkins. Now, when would you like to come to see Dr. Schröder?
Peter: Any day after 5 pm should work.
Karin: Could you also come early in the morning? For a general check-up we need to take a blood sample and we have to send it to the lab early.
Peter: I understand. I can come next Wednesday.
Karin: I can offer you an appointment on Wednesday, the 31st of January at 7.30 am.
Peter: Is there anything I should bring along with me?
Karin: Please bring your health insurance card, ID and your vaccination pass. And please don’t eat anything on Wednesday morning. You have to come on an empty stomach. You can have coffee or tea but please refrain from drinking milk and juice and avoid sugar.
Peter: Ok. I’ll have water for breakfast on Wednesday.
Karin: Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Hopkins?
Peter: No, thank you. I’ll be at your practice next Wednesday, the 31st of January at 7.30 am.
Karin: Excellent! See you then.
Peter: Good-bye.
general practitioner – Allgemeinarzt
make an appointment – einen Termin vereinbaren
practice – Praxis
repeat – wiederholen
spell – buchstabieren
blood sample – Blutprobe
health insurance card – Krankenversicherungskarte
ID – Ausweis
vaccination pass – Impfpass
on an empty stomach – nüchtern
refrain from – absehen von
avoid – vermeiden
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