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Englisch in der Patientenkommunikation Teil 17

Please let us know if you can‘t make it

Karin, the medical assistant, answers the phone.

Karin: Praxis Dr. Schröder. Sie sprechen mit der Medizinischen Fachangestellten Karin. Was kann ich für Sie tun?
Ms. Fin: Hi, this is Clara Fin speaking. I would like to make a new appointment.
Karin: Excuse me, could you repeat your name please?
Ms. Fin: Yes, my family name is Fin. That spells F like foxtrot, I like India and N like November. And my first name is Clara, with a C like in Charlie.
Karin: Ok, Ms. Fin. I‘ve just found your record. Here it says, that you have missed your last appointment on Wednesday, the 5th of April.
Ms. Fin: Oh yes. I‘m sorry. I didn‘t feel up to leaving the house on that day.
Karin: Ms. Fin, I would like you to let us know, when you cannot make it for your appointment. It‘s no problem to cancel an appointment. But please let us know in advance, if you can‘t come.
Ms. Fin: I thought, you are so busy anyway … with so many patients sitting in your waiting room. Last time I had to wait over an hour, before I could see the doctor.
Karin: I see your point. But unannounced cancellations cause even more delays, because Dr. Schröder has already prepared for your visit. Also, the lab was waiting for your blood sampling.
Ms. Fin: Oh, I‘m so sorry. This won‘t happen again.
Karin: Good. So, in the future please let us know, if you have to cancel or postpone your appointment. Please also give us a call if you‘re late.
Ms. Fin: Of course. I will certainly do that.
Karin: So now we‘ve settled this matter, we can arrange a new appointment for your blood test and a consultation with Dr. Schröder. How about next Wednesday at 8 am?


to make an appointment – einen Termin vereinbaren
to repeat – wiederholen
to spell – buchstabieren
record – Akte
to miss – versäumen
to feel up to – sich in der Lage fühlen
to make it for – (einen Termin) wahrnehmen
to cancel – absagen
in advance – im Voraus
busy – beschäftigt
unannounced – unangekündigt
delay – Verzögerung
blood sampling – Blutprobe
to postpone – verschieben
consultation – Arztgespräch

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